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Get Booked and Grow

Rachael Willoughby wanted to use podcast guest spots as part of her marketing strategy for growing her new business. With the framework and support she got in the programme she overcame her imposter syndrome and got booked on 100% of the podcasts she pitched!

Name: Rachael Willoughby

Location: UK

Company: http://casagees.co.uk/

Market: Food and Business Consultancy

Problem: Wasn't clear on how to approach hosts, and wasn't confident about how to make the most of the interview.

Success: Using a proven process and the templates she got from the program, she got a 100% hit rate and has a great strategy for making this part of her regular marketing routine.  

Dr Clare Roberts wanted to get podcast guests spots to build her audience. She didn't know where to start. Now she's getting 100% hit rate.  

Name: Dr Clare Roberts

Location: Florida

Company: www.generationcalm.com

Market: Health and wellbeing

Problem: Wanted to build her reach organically, using podcast guest-spots but didn't know where to start.

Success: Hitting 100% success rate for podcast guest applications and has already got one paid speaking gig as a result of one of her guest spots.

Name: Kyla Skinner, founder of Copy Café

Company: www.copycafe.co.uk

“You can wing it… Or gift yourself a much greater chance of success in your podcast guesting journey. Sarah offers insider tips and insights to give you an edge, plus plenty of support and guidance in this focused but practical programme. As someone who spends an awful lot of time in front of a microphone, she knows her subject inside out – and is a top 1% podcast host herself. So if, like me, you’re interested in the potential of using podcasts to grow your business, I suggest you grab a seat with her right now!”

© Sarah Archer | Lemon Squeeze Limited 2023

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