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Nail Your Signature Talk in 60 Days (or less)

Kyla wanted to gain confidence in her public speaking, to generate even more leads and build her audience.  

Name: Kyla Skinner

Location: UK

Company: The Jarrah Consultancy

Market: Copywriting, Founder of Copy Café [https://copycafe.co.uk]

Problem: Wanted to get more confident and relaxed about speaking, create talk that she could repurpose so that she could use speaking to build her audience and generate more leads.

Success: More confident in her content and delivery, and hitting 40% conversion rate the second time out with her new talk.

Don wanted to start speaking to spread his message...  

Name: Don Ryan

Location: US

Company: The Secret Struggle

Market: Speaker, Author, Advocate [https://www.thesecretstruggle.com

Problem: Wanted to get more confident and relaxed about speaking, create talk that she could repurpose so that she could use speaking to build her audience and generate more leads.

Success: More confident in her content and delivery, and hitting 40% conversion rate the second time out with her new talk.

Brooke had written her book and wanted to do more speaking to get her message out there, increase book sales and income.

Name: Brooke Bussard

Location: US

Company: Plants Over Animals

Market: Health and Wellness [https://plantsoveranimals.com

Problem:  Brooke knew that her speaking wasn’t at the level she needed it to be to get more speaking bookings so that she could get her message out there, her book into more hands, and more income into her business. Her talks were overwhelming audiences because of the heavy science content and information overload.

Success: Brooke has completely transformed her speaking content and delivery. Her confidence as a speaker has soared, she is now sharing stories rather than information, has developed three keynotes, a companion course and is getting booked for more speaking gigs as a result.

Deb had written a best-selling business book and wanted a signature talk based on the book

Name: Deb Mashek

Location: US

Company: Myco Consulting, https://www.myco.consulting

Market: Organisation Effectiveness

Problem: Had written a best-selling business book, was looking to leverage it to create a talk around the book which would create speaking revenue and sell her services. She had a whole host of content and wasn't sure how to distill it into a talk that would give value and win new clients.

Success: More confident in her content and delivery.

Lavanyaa wanted to create a talk that connected and got people into action, in a way that was natural and authentic.  

Name: Lavanyaa Rhaasa

Location: UK

Company: Aanma [https://aanma.xyz]

Market: Holistic Wellness and Wellbeing

Problem: Was struggling to articulate the value of what she does and her story in a way that connected with the audience and brought them into her world.

Success: She discovered how to speak about what she does and connect with her audience deeply, in her Signature Talk in such a way that resulted in hyper-engagement and 40% of the audience taking action, the first time she used it!

Anthony had been booked for a a keynote talk at a conference for women in the construction industry and worked with Sarah to nail his talk for that audience.

Name: Anthony Taylor

Location: UK


Market: Leadership and Management Consultancy

Problem: Anthony had spoken many times before in the corporate world, but he wanted to include more stories in this one. In addition, his audience was all women and he wanted to make sure his content and delivery resonated with them.

Success: The feedback he got was excellent and as a result of that talk he got more speaking gigs and other business.

Jackie wanted to create a signature talk that would help her sell her message & services, but didn't know where to start.

Name: Jackie Brennan

Location: UK


Market: Mindset - Health and wellbeing

Problem: Wanted to create a signature talk that would help her sell her message and services, but didn't know where to start.

Success: Used her signature talk to promote her message which has lead to exciting new business opportunities.

Kaye had the chance to do a keynote to an audience of her dream customers, she recognised the big opportunity it offered to share her mission, make a difference and grow her business. 

Name: Kaye King

Location: UK

Company: Kaye King - Marketing Mentor [https://www.marketingmentorkaye.com]

Market: Marketing

Problem: Wanted to create a signature talk to make the most of the great opportunity she has coming up.

Success: Feeling confident in her talk, and used the talk to make an offer to her audience but in a way that was true to her values and didn’t feel sleazy or uncomfortable for her or the audience. Plus she smashed it with a 10% conversion of the audience!

Deb Mashek

Cathy Neilsen experienced a traumatic ordeal. As a result, felt compelled to share her message with audiences to inspire them to take action and take control of their own lives. 

Name: Cathy Neilsen

Location: Australia

Role: Queensland Police Officer

Problem: She wanted to convey a tragic and personal story in her talk to inspire and motivate personal change, but had no idea where to start - or even if she had a story to tell. She wanted to make sure her message came through, rather than just presenting a retelling of the event.

Success: She nailed her talk, and has been able to use it on a two-part TV documentary series about the event, and is planning to take her talk on the road.

Monder had been speaking for many years, but wanted to level-up his talks to have more impact
by using stories over information.

Name: Monder Ram

Location: UK

Role: Head of the Centre for Research into Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurship, Professor of UK Small Businesses 

Problem Monder had been speaking for many years, but wanted to level-up his talks to have more impactby using stories over information.

Success: The feedback he got was excellent and as a result of that talk he got more speaking gigs and other busines

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